Nanoporous Solids for Environmental Applications Workshop in Seville

Seville, Spain – December 4, 2023 Scientists, researchers, and environmental enthusiasts are invited to join the “Nanoporous Solids for Environmental Applications Workshop” in Seville, Spain, on December 4, 2023. Hosted at the Sala De videoconferences in Edificio 6, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, this workshop promises to be an enlightening exploration of Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) and […]

VALZEO’s Participation in Ecomondo 2023

Empowering the Circular Economy and Disseminating Sustainable Solutions ROME, ITALY VALZEO, a leading European Project dedicated to the valorization of agro-industrial wastes and the promotion of sustainable solutions, is thrilled to announce its participation in Ecomondo 2023 with our experts Prof. Francesco Fatone from UNIVPM and Mr. Alan Whiteside from SITES Ltd . This significant […]

VALZEO in MSCA SE 2023 Infoday

Sustainable Innovation Technology Services Ltd Joins VALZEO Project partner in Webinar for LAC Institutions on MSCA Staff Exchanges Call 2023 On 18th October 2023 marked a significant milestone for VALZEO project that focuses on the valorization of agro-industrial wastes through the production of zeolite-based composite materials. As a participant in the MSCA Staff Exchanges Call (MSCA SE) […]

VALZEO’s participation in the info session on the MSCA Green Charter

17 October 2023 online VALZEO’s participation in the info session on the MSCA Green Charter is an exciting opportunity to showcase its innovative research project focused on the valorization of agro-industrial wastes. With a mission to produce zeolite-based composite materials and utilize them in environmental remediation and biofuel production, VALZEO aligns perfectly with the objectives […]

Joint Call on “Aquatic Ecosystem Services” Open!

Water4All Launches Joint Call for Aquatic Ecosystem Services Research and Innovation Project Introduction:Water4All, a leading initiative promoting sustainable water management, is announce the launch of its second Joint Transnational Call for research and innovation projects. This call, focused on “Aquatic Ecosystem Services,” aims to encourage collaborative efforts to study and develop innovative solutions that enhance […]

VALZEO Participated in the Carbon Farming Webinar

VALZEO project actively participated in the Carbon Farming Webinar, a session aimed at disseminating groundbreaking insights on climate change and sustainability targets within the EU and Irish context. The webinar featured a comprehensive presentation highlighting relevant carbon farming techniques, associated benefits, potential trade-offs, and existing schemes. Additionally, the session concluded with an engaging discussion with […]

Sustainable and Competitive Bioeconomic Future in the EU

VALZEO will be participating in the upcoming event “Sustainable and Competitive Bioeconomic Future in the EU” organized by the Circular Economy Platform. This event brings together key stakeholders from various sectors to discuss the future of the Bioeconomy and explore sustainable solutions. As a project focusing on Valorizing Agro-industrial wastes through the production of Zeolite-based […]